The Printfest Print Collection 13th April ~ 26th May 2022
An exhibition of work from the Printfest Printmakers of the Year 2010-2022 on show at Brewery Arts, Kendal Why the collection exists Each year the Printfest Team select a Printmaker of the Year. They receive an award that includes a residency in the Lake District and a free stand at the Printfest event. The work created by the printmaker of the year becomes part of the Printfest Print Collection and the face of Printfest for that year.

Why the collection is important
The collection is important because we get the opportunity to take a closer look at the artist and the types of printmaking they employ. Importantly, we get to see their view of the Lake District, the inspiration they take from a short immersion in the landscape, visiting the areas, talking to the people, observing the lifestyle, and responding to it.

The Artists
This is a substantial collection of significant printmakers’ work. They include: Anita Klein, Sadie Tierney, Gail Brodholt, Jason Hicklin, Jane Glynn, Gill Tyson, Katherine Jones, Kelly Stewart, Trevor Price, and Anja Percival. They have been selected through partnerships with galleries, studios, Printmaking Today magazine and the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers.

On show at Brewery Arts Kendal 13th April ~ 26th May
Printfest is delighted to be showing this collection at Brewery Arts, Kendal

Lake Swim’ Linocut by Anita Klein Printmaker of the Year 2022

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